Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Resoultion

Happy New Year everybody - look for the new n' improved Frampton for My 40th in 2008!I have an idea....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry (Early) Christmas

Just in case I don't get to post before Christmas...

Expect a new, renewed, invigorated FFMY in 2008!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Obvious Post

Yes, I know. Unemployment has not been kind to me, BUT I did finally get a job on Friday. Don't know what this means for the future of this blog, but I hope to be more motivated as I'll be doing a lot of writing!

So, anyway, back to the man. My aunt alerted me to this wonderful commercial. Gee, I may have to switch my insurance now!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

One more time...

I'll try this again, as the world of the YouTubes is so unpredictable. I love "Penny for Your Thoughts" and could listen to it on a constant loop until the day I died (and I'm hoping it's on the Muzak in Heaven, if that's where I end up!) So, for now, here's a recent performance for your enjoyment...

Peter, I still adore you in a completely, non-freakish way. I want nothing more than to have one lone, face-to-face encounter. I also want to meet Ginger Spice. I hope I didn't blow anything with that confession....

Monday, October 22, 2007

I Love You, Peter Frampton

I still got nothin' - and this applies to job, motivation and Frampton news. Like I said before, I have some ideas, but the great job search and the few, paying gigs I have, are taking precedence over my future b-day quest (besides, I've had so much rejection lately, I'm just not ready for another "no" right now!) Hey, a post!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Penny for (My) Thoughts

Yes, I'm still around and yes, I still want Peter Frampton to play at my 40th birthday fiesta. Oh, and I am still deeply outraged and saddened that the great one was ignored once again by the R&R Hall of Fame. At the current time, my mind and time are filled desperately trying to find a full-time gig somewhere...anywhere. I've been trying to get into entertainment journalism, but it's hard - especially because I live in what is hardly the epicenter of the industry - Port St. Lucie, Florida. Heck, you can't even MapQuest me. Maybe Mr. Frampton might stumble upon my humble blog and consent to an interview - that I may submit to magazines, blogs, whatnot? Hmmm....

Friday, September 28, 2007

I Hate the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Ok, the nominations for this year's inductees into the R&R Hall of Fame are here, and once again, Peter has been DENIED! He's been eligible since 19-freaking-97. What's going on? I'm sure this year's nominees are SO much more deserving than Peter. Let's see who they are:

- John Mellencamp - yawn. Hasn't had a good song since he was John Cougar.
- Beastie Boys - ok. I do like the Boys, but before Peter? I don't think so.
- Donna Summer - I'm not going to dis my gal Donna, but does disco really have a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Besides, "Frampton Comes Alive" came out before "Last Dance."
- Chic - see comments above
- Afrika Bambaataa - I only know one song by him (and James Brown)
- Leonard Cohen - I wouldn't know him if he showed up at my doorstep and said "Hello. I'm Leonard Cohen."
- The Dave Clark Five - c'mon, we're really making Peter's snub obvious now. How about inducting Herman's Hermits while you're at it?
- The Ventures - who?

And..wait for it...

MADONNA! That washed-up, fake British-accent-having slag is getting in before Peter. It's an outrage people, I tell you! Who wants to go to Cleveland and picket the place? Who's with me? Oh, and happy Frampton Friday.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Obligatory Daily Entry

Sorry, I have been writing for my paying gigs pretty much all day today. Tomorrow, I will give you my plan for achieving my goals!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Yes, I Suck

I made a promise to myself to write every day, so here's my daily entry. I have been so unmotivated lately. I don't know what it is. I still have Peter on my mind, but unemployment weighs a little heavier right now. If anyone's still reading this, give me some words of encouragement!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh, my poor neglected blog...

I know I probably have a lot of explaining to do, now don't I? Ok, here's the deal. The day after my last post here, I was fired from my full-time job (I prefer the term "downsized", which is more fitting, because I was laid off from a dot-com.) I have been devoted to finding alternate employment, so that we can continue to live the life to which we have become accustomed (like, you know, eating, electricity, etc.) SO, FFMF may not be getting as much love as it so rightly deserves for a little while - but I did get an idea. Maybe you can help. I saw some guys who devoted a website to Kevin Costner and they got Mr. Costner himself to pose next to a computer displaying their tribute blog. Cool, huh? I'd love to know if Peter has seen (or heard of) this site. Any ideas? If you give me smoe suggestions, I vow to do my best to get this site up and running full steam as best I can...

Friday, August 17, 2007

The return of...

I got my name in lights with

Ok, I have to make this quick, as I'm off to the Jersey shore to see my extended family for the weekend (and therefore missing Peter Sunday night in Hollywood, dammit!)I have been a bad, bad blogger/Frampton fanatic. But, I have some tricks up my sleeve - which I can't divulge at this time. I hope to have some news within the next few weeks.

Anywhoo.... Here's a nifty little mini-documentary about the man and the making of "Fingerprints" I think you'll enjoy. It's nice to see Peter performing with his pepaw...oh, that's Bill Wyman. Sorry. So, umm...enjoy...

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm Back!

I got my name in lights with

Snazzy, huh? Things in Sugarland have been chaotic, to say the least, and I am sick that I haven't updated in such a long time. So, as a return to form (hopefully), here's some grainy video of Peter singing one of the songs I'd love to hear at my birthday party (hint hint!) - the classic "Doobie...Wah".

More soon...I promise!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why Would Anyone Watch a Movie Over 100 Times?

Ok, I have a long, long way to go to get the attention of the great Peter Frampton, and I am almost positive bringing up Sgt. Pepper's may not be the best way to appeal to the man, but he may not realize what effect his decision to be in a movie musical based on the music of the Beatles would have on the general public (I actually stole/borrowed my aunt's Beatles albums after seeing SPLHCB, and that's when I really appreciated the genius of John, Paul, George and Ringo.)

As I have mentioned before, I have seen this movie over 100 times. I know every nuance, facial expression, line, note and technical gaffe. It is one of my "go to" movies when I'm having a bad day (most notably on my 21st birthday, when my purse was conveniently stolen. Just turned 21 and no ID - on a Sunday. I have to give props to my then-friend Patrick Williams, who gave up his Sunday to watch the flick with me - and enjoy some beers someone else had to buy for me. Sad, huh?)

So, anyway, I am feeling an overwhelming urge to salute my all-time favorite movie, right now. First up is the obligatory fanvid, notable for the incredible shot of Pete at 1:08 in...

There's not a lot of Sgt. Pepper's stuff on the YouTube, but I did find the trailer as well. As far as trailers go, it's really kinda weak, don'cha think?

And, although not completely Frampton-centric (but he does get a few moments in this clip), here's the great Robin Gibb singing what (I am almost scared to admit) is my favorite song from the movie...

Oh, and don't get me started on my complete collection of Sgt. Peppers trading cards...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Friends, Frampton and fine wine

It's kind of become a yearly tradition...a bunch of my friends and I head to Orlando for our yearly bacchanal - the Epcot Food and Wine Fest - also known as "drinking around the world". Last year, we decided to create custom t-shirts so we could keep track of what countries we had visited (as it becomes harder and harder to remember as the day drags on.) So, you may ask, what does all of this have to do with Peter Frampton? Well, gaze upon this year's t-shirt design....

Here's the front....

And, here's the back....

So, what do you think?

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ok, I know I have a bit of 'splaining to do. First of all, let me clearly state that my aim is still true - I still want the legendary Peter Frampton to play at my 40th birthday party. Unfortunately, my "real" job has kept me toiling away at the computer for 10 (literally) hours a day, and with my paid writing, has left little time to work on this project - and for that I sincerely apologize.

That being said, I thought I'd post my less-than-stellar photos from the Ft. Myers show. I hadn't previously seen them outside of the 1" x 1" preview screen on my digital camera, so I thought they were a little better than they were - nope. I was so worried about blocing the view of my fellow Frampton-philes, that I wanted to get my pics done quick. My courtesy resulted in this...

Yes, the poor man looks like he is growing a microphone from his (beautiful) face. If I just take a photo from my row T seat, not bothering anyone, karma would be on my side and I could get a good picture, right? Well...

Obviously, I can't catch a break. So anyway, I got some positive feedback on the site from the gang over at Frampton Fans, and I have a few other tricks up my sleeve, so I am going to do my best to keep the dream alive. I promise more posts, real soon!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ft. Myers Concert Recap

Well...of course, my efforts to get backstage were thwarted (and I even carried my original "Frampton Comes Alive" cover all over the Mann Center - to no avail) but, Peter put on a phenominal show. Maybe it was because he had the previous night off, thanks to Florida's cranky climate (when are city leaders around here going to learn that hurricane season isn't a real good time for outdoor events?) or maybe it was because he's just brilliant, it was the best of the 7 gigs I've seen (and I'll add "so far" here.) The band was tight (a lot of new faces, including a drummer from Ft. Myers) and the sound was great. Peter sang some old favorites I hadn't heard live in a while (like "I Wanna Go to the Sun") and featured more from "Fingerprints" than the last time I saw him. (I was expecting the same set list as the last time I saw him on this tour - in Orlando - so I was more than pleasantly surprised.) My only criticism was that we couldn't get up and dance in the aisles. Pretty subdued crowd (especially the couple next to me - who must have been recently embalmed or something.) I have a few (bad) pictures, which I'll post later. I woke up the next morning - without a wine glass - with a sore throat and a warm and fuzzy feeling. Can't wait for gig number 8!

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Return of your Friday Frampton

ONE MORE DAY! My 7th Frampton gig (and certainly not my last...) I am squirming in my seat in my cubicle just thinking about it. So, to all of you in Ft. Myers fortunate enough to have tickets for tomorrow's show, and for those who don't - here's a little "Lying" from the superb "Live in Detroit" DVD...

Is it Saturday yet?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Humiliating Tales from My Youth, Vol. 2

In wild anticipation for Saturday, here is another embarassing story about my pre-adolescent fascination with Peter.

One thing you may not know about me (a "fun fact") is that I have seen "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (by now) over a hundred and something times. 45 of those viewings were done in one month - the month it showed up on cable, back in the days right before MTV hit. Back in 1982, we got cable and a channel called Take Two, which only showed G and PG movies. I memorized my cable guide and caught every single screening of SPHCB that month (I also had a notepad where I wrote down my entire weekly TV viewing schedule, but that's another story.) So, yeah, alright.

Well, during this month of televisual ecstacy, my 2 younger sisters also became quite taken with Peter and the Bee Gees. We all married ourselves off to the boys - I, of course, became "Mrs. Frampton", my middle sister chose Barry Gibb as her mate (and got very into Barry - she almost slugged a cardboard cutout of Babs Streisand in a record store when the Barry n' Babs single "Guilty" came out...sorry to throw you under the bus, sis, but I didn't want to be the only dork here!), and my youngest sis was won over by Robin Gibb's rendition of "Oh, Darling" (easily my favorite non-Frampton song on the movie soundtrack.)I always felt bad for Maurice, but there were only 3 of us gals...

So, anyway, kids being kids, we loved stickers, markers and construction paper. I used my artistic skills to create about 50 different "credit cards", all in the name of "Christine Frampton" (it looks nice, doesn't it?) Gee, in college, I did actually have about that many credit cards! These cards were packed into my little wallet (ironically, sans cash) and I carted them with me everywhere. I wish I saved those cards - I may have one floating around somewhere (I'm a notorious pack rat, so I wouldn't be surprised if one turned up.) Aahhh, childhood!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Desperate Plea

I don't know who (if anyone) is reading, but if you know anyone who could help me get backstage at Peter's concert this Saturday night in Ft. Myers, please leave a note in the comments or email me at Thanks fellow Frampton fans!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Humiliating Tales from My Youth, Vol. 1

If I am going to get the attention of Peter Frampton, I have to lay myself out bare on this site. I've gotta let it all hang out. In keeping with this spirit, I will proceed to tell you a series of embarassing tales from my childhood having to do with PF. So, since I am secure in my nerdy-ness, I am confident enough to share - so here goes.

"We mmmph mmmph...": When I was in the early stage of Frampton mania, I was a mere 10 years old, and, although I hadn't had "the talk" yet, I had a basic knowledge of the birds and the bees. And, being a devout Catholic, I knew not to talk about it. I also loved to sing along with the radio (a cute Snoopy AM number that had a strap I could hang from my bicycle handlebars...but I digress...)So, when "I'm In You" used to come on the radio, I'd inevitably burst into song. The line "You and I, don't pretend, we make love" was a real problem for me. So as not to freak out my parents (who almost disowned me when they heard me say "crap" when I was 15), I'd just gloss over that line or, better yet, ask my parents some dumb question - loud enough that they wouldn't hear the offending line and take my albums away from me for fear of my corruption. Of course, "Do You Feel Like We Do" had a similar, necessary cover up - the loudest line I ever sang in that song was "Whose wine? What wine? Where the HECK did I dine?" (Who knew Peter Frampton was such a potty mouth?) Scary, isn't it? I have managed to unpucker from my childhood exploits, but on occasion, I will still bust out with the G-rated line when I'm singing in the privacy of my car - just for old times' sake.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rocky's Cold Club

Ok, I am so sorry that I haven't given my blog a big dose of Frampton love lately. I have been sick as a dog since I got back from the Land of the Rising Sun. I have also had a really difficult time adjusting to US time - I sleep when and where I can. Luckily, I was given an extra weeks' vacation from my job (don't ask) so I have ample time to recouperate. But you all don't care about any of this, do you? I promise much more Frampton-related posts in the very near future.

P.S. I am going to see the legend himself on June 2 in Ft. Myers - anyone have any ideas as to how I could get backstage and meet him?

Monday, May 14, 2007

...But Not Forgotten...

I will be back with more Frampton goodness very soon. I have been in Japan, so I apologize for not adding anything this past week. Check back later this week!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Well, it's not a Tuesday...

...but here's a "two fer"! Found this one and had to share. Damn, I love this guy!

Your Friday Frampton

I'd like to post something every week (at least), but work has been crazy busy. So, let's kick off "Frampton Fridays" with a classic...

The MySpace campaign is going along well, I have a few friends from the (now defunct) Family of Friends on board (now located over at Frampton Fans.) I just got my tickets to see Peter in June in Ft. Myers, Florida. He's going to be i Hollywood (FL) in August as well. Looks like it's going to be a goooooood summer!

Friday, April 6, 2007

The Set List

The story so far...Peter 40th birthday impossible dream. Scroll down to see what I'm talking about here.

If I do get Peter to play at my party, I'd love to have the dream set list. But how can you choose a mere 20 or so songs from an incredible catalog? I do have my favorites ("Frampton Comes Alive" of course, but my favorite studio album is the underrated "I’m in You") and, surprisingly, I also love the hits (I can never, ever hear "Baby I Love Your Way" enough. It’s even the ringtone on my phone.) Here's what I've got, so far:

Won’t You Be My Friend? (I’m in You)
Tried to Love (I’m in You)
Rise Up (Breaking all the Rules)
Cornerstones (Fingerprints)
Verge of a Thing (Now)
Flying without Wings (Now)
Doobie Wah
Something’s Happening
Golden Slumbers (can’t not hear a tune from SPLCHB)

And...of course...
Penny for Your Thoughts
Show Me the Way
Baby I Love Your Way
Do You Feel Like We Do

Did I forget something? I'm sure I'll change my mind along the way!

The Proposition

This is me...

This is Peter Frampton...

I love Peter Frampton. I have loved him since I was a child. I still have the battered copy of Frampton Comes Alive that my aunt “donated” to me. My other blogs have had stories about the man sprinkled throughout (check Sugar’s Smacks for more Frampton love.) I’ve been into metal, punk, disco, alt rock, ska, reggae, new wave, show tunes (theater major, sorry) – and through it all, my love for Peter Frampton has never wavered. I have had the privilege of seeing him 7 times. This is quite a feat since I wasn’t allowed to go to the arena where the "big acts" played until I graduated from high school (I missed the I’m In You tour for just such a reason – I didn’t actually see him for the first time until 1993, at Pleasure Island in Walt Disney World.)’s my proposition.

We share the same birth date, April 22. Big deal, huh? Well, April 22, 2009, 2 years from today, is my 40th birthday (it pains me to confront this fact, but such is life.) I have had many dreams in my life (and a whole lot of fantasies) but, with the exception of marrying me wonderful husband (check), none have come true. I don’t see why I couldn’t have been a ballerina, an actress, a rock star or a fairy princess.

I want nothing more than to have Peter Frampton play at my 40th birthday party – which (at this moment) will probably be held in Orlando, Florida. I haven’t worked out all of the logistics quite yet, I think lining up the entertainment is priority one. In the next few weeks, I will be drafting a formal request for my dream party to Mr. F. I want to have the site up and running for a little while as well, so he can see that I am dead serious about this.

And what happens, you may ask, if this doesn’t happen? Vegas and a boob job! But, I’d much, much rather have this very special night. Stay tuned to see if my dream will come true...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Coming soon!

Intrigued? Had to post something so I could make some design changes...check back on April 22!