Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why Would Anyone Watch a Movie Over 100 Times?

Ok, I have a long, long way to go to get the attention of the great Peter Frampton, and I am almost positive bringing up Sgt. Pepper's may not be the best way to appeal to the man, but he may not realize what effect his decision to be in a movie musical based on the music of the Beatles would have on the general public (I actually stole/borrowed my aunt's Beatles albums after seeing SPLHCB, and that's when I really appreciated the genius of John, Paul, George and Ringo.)

As I have mentioned before, I have seen this movie over 100 times. I know every nuance, facial expression, line, note and technical gaffe. It is one of my "go to" movies when I'm having a bad day (most notably on my 21st birthday, when my purse was conveniently stolen. Just turned 21 and no ID - on a Sunday. I have to give props to my then-friend Patrick Williams, who gave up his Sunday to watch the flick with me - and enjoy some beers someone else had to buy for me. Sad, huh?)

So, anyway, I am feeling an overwhelming urge to salute my all-time favorite movie, right now. First up is the obligatory fanvid, notable for the incredible shot of Pete at 1:08 in...

There's not a lot of Sgt. Pepper's stuff on the YouTube, but I did find the trailer as well. As far as trailers go, it's really kinda weak, don'cha think?

And, although not completely Frampton-centric (but he does get a few moments in this clip), here's the great Robin Gibb singing what (I am almost scared to admit) is my favorite song from the movie...

Oh, and don't get me started on my complete collection of Sgt. Peppers trading cards...

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