Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Humiliating Tales from My Youth, Vol. 2

In wild anticipation for Saturday, here is another embarassing story about my pre-adolescent fascination with Peter.

One thing you may not know about me (a "fun fact") is that I have seen "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (by now) over a hundred and something times. 45 of those viewings were done in one month - the month it showed up on cable, back in the days right before MTV hit. Back in 1982, we got cable and a channel called Take Two, which only showed G and PG movies. I memorized my cable guide and caught every single screening of SPHCB that month (I also had a notepad where I wrote down my entire weekly TV viewing schedule, but that's another story.) So, yeah, alright.

Well, during this month of televisual ecstacy, my 2 younger sisters also became quite taken with Peter and the Bee Gees. We all married ourselves off to the boys - I, of course, became "Mrs. Frampton", my middle sister chose Barry Gibb as her mate (and got very into Barry - she almost slugged a cardboard cutout of Babs Streisand in a record store when the Barry n' Babs single "Guilty" came out...sorry to throw you under the bus, sis, but I didn't want to be the only dork here!), and my youngest sis was won over by Robin Gibb's rendition of "Oh, Darling" (easily my favorite non-Frampton song on the movie soundtrack.)I always felt bad for Maurice, but there were only 3 of us gals...

So, anyway, kids being kids, we loved stickers, markers and construction paper. I used my artistic skills to create about 50 different "credit cards", all in the name of "Christine Frampton" (it looks nice, doesn't it?) Gee, in college, I did actually have about that many credit cards! These cards were packed into my little wallet (ironically, sans cash) and I carted them with me everywhere. I wish I saved those cards - I may have one floating around somewhere (I'm a notorious pack rat, so I wouldn't be surprised if one turned up.) Aahhh, childhood!

1 comment:

Colleenatude said...

Ahhh, Barry, I remember that crush well. Thanks for the trip down memory land, Sis! And for the record, I'm pretty sure I kicked that cutout...I still feel a bit of fury when I recall the moment I saw those two together in all their cardboard glory...oh, the humanity!