Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh, my poor neglected blog...

I know I probably have a lot of explaining to do, now don't I? Ok, here's the deal. The day after my last post here, I was fired from my full-time job (I prefer the term "downsized", which is more fitting, because I was laid off from a dot-com.) I have been devoted to finding alternate employment, so that we can continue to live the life to which we have become accustomed (like, you know, eating, electricity, etc.) SO, FFMF may not be getting as much love as it so rightly deserves for a little while - but I did get an idea. Maybe you can help. I saw some guys who devoted a website to Kevin Costner and they got Mr. Costner himself to pose next to a computer displaying their tribute blog. Cool, huh? I'd love to know if Peter has seen (or heard of) this site. Any ideas? If you give me smoe suggestions, I vow to do my best to get this site up and running full steam as best I can...

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