Friday, September 12, 2008

Songs That Need to Be On the Ultimate Frampton Playlist, Part One

For some reason, for the past few months, when my mind grabs a random song to repeat ad nauseum in my head, and I'm lucky enough for it to be a Frampton song (which doesn't happen nearly enough...I've had some really annoying songs stuck in my subconscious lately!) it tends to be "I Can't Stand It No More" which came off his 1979 "Where I Should Be" album (the cover of which currently hangs on my wall.) I especially remember this song because it was also on a K-Tel album I bought that same year. (For your young'uns reading this, K-Tel was to the 70s as the "Now" series is to the 2000s.) The album was called "Starflight" (because I still have it), and Peter shared the 12" disc with such memorable tunes as "Makin' It", "Sad Eyes", "Pop Muzik" and "Reunited." So, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm old. Anywhoo, I found a video of Peter, circa 1980, singing the above-mentioned song. You have to go over to YouTube to see it, but here's the link.

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