Monday, July 14, 2008

Fairy Godmothers Are Real!

I've been meaning to write this post for weeks, but the job searching has taken up most of my computer time. Yeah, enough waah-waah, I'm still out of work, which nearly prevented me from seeing Peter for concert #8, as he once again blesses us with his innumerable talents on yet another nationwide tour.

But, someone was watching over me, as my Aunt/godmother Kathy (whose battered copy of "Frampton Comes Alive" has become the prized possession of my record collection - and I'm going to get it signed, someday...) and her BFF Penny have given me an early 40th b-day present...10th row tickets to his October gig in Clearwater! Yippee! So, if I can get myself motivated, maybe I can finagle some way to get backstage and meet my idol a few months early. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

P.S. Eddie Izzard (pictured above) also rules. Saw him last month in Miami...he's to comedy what Peter is to rock 'n' roll.

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